Sqorn ·
Sqorn is a Javascript library engineered for building SQL queries. Its SQL-based API is fluent, declarative, intuitive and flexibile. Sqorn queries are immutable values, letting you construct complex queries by composing simple parts. Sqorn compiles queries 10x faster than Knex and 200x faster than Squel. Sqorn generates parameterized queries safe from SQL injection. Securely integrate raw SQL using Sqorn's tagged template literals.
Sqorn has Typescript definitions but limited type-safety. You do not define models and relationships. You just write queries. It is your responsibility to ensure the queries are valid.
Sqorn provides three interoperable mechanisms for building queries: a SQL Query Builder, a Manual Query Builder and an Expression Builder.
SQL Query Builder
Build Select, Delete, Insert and Update queries using methods based on SQL clauses.
sq.return({ authorId: 'a.id', name: 'a.last_name' })
.from({ b: 'book' })
.leftJoin({ a: 'author' }).on`b.author_id = a.id`
.where({ title: 'Oathbringer', genre: 'fantasy' })
{ text: 'select distinct a.id author_id, a.last_name name from book b left join author a on (b.author_id = a.id) where (title = $1) and (genre = $2)',
args: ['Oathbringer', 'fantasy'] }
Manual Query Builder
Build queries manually using tagged template literals for maximum flexibility.
sq.sql`select a.author_id, json_agg(b.*)`
.sql`from author a`
.sql`left join book b using (author_id)`
.sql`where a.last_name like ${'[S]%'}`
.sql`group by a.author_id`
.sql`having ${sq.txt`count(*) >`.txt(5)}`
{ text: 'select a.author_id, json_agg(b.*) from author a left join book b using (author_id) where a.last_name like $1 group by a.author_id having count(*) > $2',
args: ['[S]%', 5] }
Expression Builder
Build complex conditions and operations with the fluent, typed, functional expression builder.
e.add(3, 20).sub(5)
e.in`title`(['1984', 'Moby Dick', 'Oathbringer'])
{ text: 'select * from book where ((id = (($1 + $2) - $3)) or not((genre = $4)) or (title in ($5, $6, $7)))',
args: [3, 20, 5, 'Fantasy', '1984', 'Moby Dick', 'Oathbringer'] }